Are you wondering if you can put concrete over existing concrete? The short answer is yes, but there are important factors to consider before undertaking this project. Pouring new concrete over old can be an effective way to refresh and strengthen an existing surface, but proper preparation and technique are crucial for success. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for properly applying a new concrete layer, including surface preparation, bonding agents, and finishing techniques. We’ll also cover potential challenges, material considerations, and when it may be better to remove the old concrete entirely. Follow these expert tips to ensure your concrete overlay project stands the test of time.

When Should You Put Concrete Over Existing Concrete?

Deciding when to put concrete over existing concrete requires careful consideration of several factors. This process, known as concrete overlaying, can be an effective solution in certain situations, but it’s not always the best choice. Here’s when you should consider this option:

Structural Integrity is Sound

Before opting for an overlay, you must ensure the existing concrete is structurally sound. If the base is crumbling, severely cracked, or showing signs of significant deterioration, overlaying won’t solve these underlying issues. In such cases, complete replacement might be necessary. However, if the existing concrete is stable with only minor surface imperfections, an overlay could be a viable option.

Surface Elevation Needs Adjustment

Concrete overlays can be an excellent solution when you need to adjust the surface elevation slightly. This might be necessary to improve drainage, level out uneven areas, or match the height of adjacent surfaces. By adding a thin layer of new concrete, you can achieve these adjustments without the need for complete removal and replacement.

Aesthetic Improvements are Desired

If your existing concrete is structurally sound but lacks visual appeal, an overlay can provide a fresh, attractive surface. This approach allows you to update the look of your concrete without the expense and labor of full replacement. You can choose from various finishes and colors to enhance the aesthetic value of your property.

Time and Budget Constraints Exist

Overlaying existing concrete is often faster and more cost-effective than complete replacement. If you’re working with limited time or budget constraints, this method can be an attractive option. It requires less labor, materials, and disruption compared to tearing out and pouring new concrete from scratch.

Remember, while concrete overlays can be beneficial in many situations, they’re not a universal solution. Always consult with a professional concrete contractor to assess your specific situation and determine the best course of action for your project.

How to Prepare the Existing Concrete Before Pouring New Concrete Over It

Before you can successfully pour new concrete over an existing slab, proper preparation is crucial. This process ensures optimal adhesion and longevity of your new concrete layer. Follow these steps to prepare your existing concrete surface effectively:

Inspect and Clean the Surface

Begin by thoroughly inspecting the existing concrete for any cracks, chips, or areas of deterioration. Remove any loose debris, dirt, or vegetation using a stiff-bristled brush or pressure washer. For stubborn stains or oil spots, use a degreaser or concrete cleaner. Ensure the surface is completely clean and dry before proceeding.

Repair Existing Damage

Address any cracks or chips in the existing concrete. For small cracks (less than 1/4 inch wide), use a concrete patching compound. Larger cracks may require epoxy injection or more extensive repair. Fill any holes or sunken areas with a suitable concrete filler. Allow all repairs to cure fully before moving forward.

Create a Rough Surface

To promote better adhesion between the old and new concrete, you’ll need to roughen the existing surface. This can be achieved through several methods:

Whichever method you choose, ensure you create a surface profile that resembles medium-grit sandpaper.

Apply a Bonding Agent

As a final step, apply a concrete bonding agent to the prepared surface. This liquid adhesive creates a strong bond between the old and new concrete layers. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying times. Once the bonding agent is ready, you can proceed with pouring your new concrete layer.

By meticulously following these preparation steps, you’ll significantly increase the chances of a successful concrete overlay project. Remember, the quality of your preparation directly impacts the durability and longevity of your new concrete surface.

What Type of New Concrete is Best for Pouring Over Old Concrete?

When considering pouring new concrete over existing concrete, selecting the right type of concrete is crucial for ensuring a durable and long-lasting result. Your choice will depend on several factors, including the condition of the old concrete, the intended use of the new surface, and environmental conditions.

High-Strength Concrete

For most applications, high-strength concrete is an excellent choice when pouring over old concrete. This type of concrete typically has a compressive strength of 5,000 psi or higher, making it robust enough to withstand heavy loads and resist cracking. High-strength concrete also tends to have better bonding properties, which is essential when adhering to an existing surface.

Self-Leveling Concrete

If the old concrete surface is uneven or has minor imperfections, self-leveling concrete can be an ideal solution. This specialized type of concrete flows easily and settles into a smooth, level surface with minimal effort. It’s particularly useful for indoor applications or when you need to achieve a perfectly flat surface for tile or other flooring materials.

Polymer-Modified Concrete

For areas subject to frequent temperature changes or moisture exposure, polymer-modified concrete is worth considering. This type of concrete contains additives that improve its flexibility, adhesion, and water resistance. These properties make it especially suitable for outdoor applications or areas prone to temperature fluctuations.

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

If you’re concerned about potential cracking or need extra strength, fiber-reinforced concrete might be the best choice. This type of concrete contains small fibers (usually made of steel, glass, or synthetic materials) that enhance its tensile strength and crack resistance. It’s particularly useful for thin overlays or areas subject to heavy traffic or loads.

Remember, regardless of the type you choose, proper surface preparation and application techniques are crucial for success when pouring new concrete over old.

Step-by-Step Process for Pouring New Concrete Over Old Concrete

Pouring new concrete over existing concrete can be an effective way to refresh your surface. Follow these steps to ensure a successful project:

Prepare the Old Concrete

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the existing concrete surface. Remove any dirt, debris, or loose material using a pressure washer. Repair any cracks or damaged areas with a concrete patching compound. Allow the repairs to cure completely before proceeding.

Apply a Bonding Agent

To ensure proper adhesion between the old and new concrete, apply a bonding agent. Use a roller or brush to evenly coat the entire surface. This step is crucial for creating a strong bond between the layers.

Install Reinforcement (Optional)

For added strength, consider installing wire mesh or rebar over the old concrete. This step is particularly important for areas that will bear heavy loads or experience frequent traffic.

Mix and Pour the New Concrete

Prepare your concrete mix according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pour the new concrete over the old surface, starting from one corner and working your way across. Use a screed board to level the surface and remove excess material.

Finish and Cure

Once the concrete is poured, use a float to smooth the surface. Apply any desired textures or patterns while the concrete is still wet. Allow the new concrete to cure for at least 24 hours, keeping it moist to prevent cracking.

Seal the New Surface

After the concrete has fully cured (typically 28 days), apply a concrete sealer to protect your new surface from moisture and stains. This final step will help extend the life of your newly poured concrete.

By following these steps, you can successfully pour new concrete over old concrete, rejuvenating your surface and extending its lifespan. Remember to consult local building codes and consider professional help for large or complex projects.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Putting Concrete Over Concrete

When overlaying concrete, it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls that can compromise the integrity and longevity of your project. Here are some key mistakes to steer clear of:

Inadequate Surface Preparation

One of the most critical errors is failing to properly prepare the existing concrete surface. You must thoroughly clean the base layer, removing all dirt, debris, and loose materials. Skipping this step can lead to poor adhesion between the old and new concrete, resulting in premature cracking or separation.

Additionally, neglecting to repair existing cracks or damages in the base concrete is a significant oversight. These imperfections can propagate through the new layer if left untreated. Always fill and seal cracks before applying the new concrete overlay.

Incorrect Mixing and Application

Another common mistake is improper mixing of the concrete or bonding agents. Following the manufacturer’s instructions precisely is essential for achieving the right consistency and strength. Applying the overlay too thin or too thick can also lead to problems. Ensure you maintain the recommended thickness throughout the application process.

Neglecting Proper Curing

Failing to allow adequate curing time is a frequent error that can severely impact the durability of your concrete overlay. Rushing the process or not protecting the new concrete from adverse weather conditions during curing can result in weak, brittle concrete prone to cracking and deterioration.

Ignoring Expansion Joints

Overlooking the importance of expansion joints is a critical mistake. These joints allow for natural expansion and contraction of the concrete, preventing cracks. Ensure you maintain existing expansion joints and create new ones as necessary in the overlay to accommodate movement.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll significantly increase the chances of a successful concrete overlay project that stands the test of time.


In conclusion, pouring new concrete over existing concrete can be a viable option when done properly. At Rhino Concrete Lafayette, one of the most trusted concrete contractors in Lafayette, CA, we specialize in this process and can guide you through every step. Our expertise includes thoroughly cleaning and preparing the old surface, applying a bonding agent, and using the right concrete mix to ensure a new layer that adheres well and lasts for years.

While this method may not be suitable for all situations, it can often save time and money compared to complete removal and replacement. As one of the best concrete contractors in Lafayette, CA, we always assess the condition of the existing concrete first and provide professional advice tailored to your specific needs.

With our careful planning and execution, you can rejuvenate your concrete surfaces effectively. Trust Rhino Concrete Lafayette for all your concrete needs, especially when it comes to the question “Can you put concrete over concrete?” Our experience and dedication to quality make us the go-to choice for concrete work in Lafayette, CA.


What happens if you pour concrete over concrete?

Pouring concrete over existing concrete can be an effective way to resurface or repair a damaged or worn-out slab. However, it’s essential to ensure proper preparation of the old surface to promote adhesion and prevent issues like cracking or delamination. This typically involves cleaning the old concrete, applying a bonding agent, and sometimes adding a thin layer of fresh concrete to create a strong bond.

Can you add concrete to existing concrete?

Yes, you can add concrete to existing concrete. This process, known as resurfacing, involves pouring a new layer of concrete over the old one. Proper surface preparation, including cleaning and applying a bonding agent, is crucial to ensure the new layer adheres well to the old concrete and to prevent future problems.

Can you put a thin layer of concrete over concrete?

Yes, you can put a thin layer of concrete over an existing concrete surface. This is often referred to as a concrete overlay or resurfacing. The thin layer, typically a few inches thick, can cover imperfections, improve the surface’s appearance, and enhance its durability. Surface preparation, including cleaning and possibly roughening the existing concrete, is essential for good adhesion.

How to attach concrete to concrete?

To attach new concrete to existing concrete, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the old surface: Remove any dirt, debris, or loose material.
  2. Roughen the surface: Use a grinder or a wire brush to create a textured surface for better adhesion.
  3. Apply a bonding agent: Use a concrete bonding agent to ensure the new concrete adheres properly.
  4. Pour the new concrete: Mix and pour the new concrete over the prepared surface, ensuring it spreads evenly and fills any gaps.

Will fresh concrete stick to old concrete?

Fresh concrete can stick to old concrete, but proper surface preparation is essential to ensure a strong bond. Cleaning the old surface, roughening it for better mechanical adhesion, and using a concrete bonding agent are all crucial steps to ensure the fresh concrete adheres well and prevents future issues like cracking or separation.

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